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--  作者:假玉哥
--  发布时间:2012-02-14 16:31:58
--  [转帖]夏冬个人简介

Graduated from the Department of Chinese Literature,Zhongshan University; served as the director in chief of Guangdong Huazhijie Economic & Cultural Dissemination Company Limited, chief representative of Guangzhou New Era Cultural Dissemination Company Limited, director in chief of Hong Kong Plant international Beauty Group, marketing director of the former Beijing Films Company and vice president of Song lei International Cultural Industry Company Limited; experienced in planning large-scale activities and enterprise planning; won the financial subsidies for the three projects in the cultural originality industry in 07,08,09,10 and 2011;now serves as the executive director of Oriental Phoenix(Beijing) cultural Development Company Limited.
--  作者:aa12aa
--  发布时间:2012-03-24 19:41:16
--  作者:aa12aa
--  发布时间:2012-03-29 07:59:52
--  作者:aa12aa
--  发布时间:2012-03-30 11:13:12
ding呀 支持
--  作者:aa12aa
--  发布时间:2012-04-06 12:56:32